- A ordinary man discovers that he has a talented gift to see the future. when one day he wakes up and hits his head on the wall
- one day he makes a bet with a a friend to flick a coin on heads/tails and wins through being able to see which side the coin will land on
- the next day he goes back to place another bet and wins more money
- here we will show several times after where he continues to use his gift
- from discovering his gift he invites people to his home from here on his talent unfolds he wins large amounts of money playing poker by seeing into the future, seeing the other player hand
- the twist happens here where one day where he gets hit by a car when leaving the house, the screen will be blank here with the background noise of the car wheels as well showing the car speeding through the streets
- before, he could see into the future to see whats about to confront him
- the man steps out into the road before he notices the car
- the car hits the male
- theres nothing he can do to change the outcome

Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Our film ideas proposal for idea 3
Our film ideas proposal for idea 2
- A Group of young males are on their way home from college They call off at a friends house where they find a safe, one member of the group finds the safe and takes out the book
- He takes the book to the other friends the book starts to unfold and pages begin to flip over, one member decides to shut the book and put it in his bag they keep this to themselves from the friend
- From here onwards the group start to experience events which make them paranoid this includes slamming door, missing objects etc....
- The twist in the story here is a past relative that is causing these events as the unfold
- The message here is to return the book as its a big part to the past of the family
- People from the group start to disappear this is where they notice somethings wrong
- The group then begin to try to put the book back however this becomes impossible as the friend have moved away
- Until one day they go to pull out the book and it has seemed to have disappeared, this is also another twist the book has entered a chain that latches onto another group of people
Film idea proposal for idea 1
- Build up a story for the character (establish his status)
- Briefly show him going about daily life.
- Show the character then being abducted.
- Establish the new setting in which he can't get out of.
- Show the character being kept within the setting.
- Character tries to escape unsuccessfully.
- Eventually escapes to find that his existence has been replaced by his other self.
- Confronts 'himself'.
- Shows him then waking up to find that nothing happened at all.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Questionnaire results
domjimmy sarahchris lewis liam Adam Becky Phil
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collegecollege studentbeauticianbuilder student student role student Teacher Delivery driver
Do you watch short films?
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If not why not?
they dont interest me nonenothing nothing i prefer blockbusters i have never come across one nothing to state i prefer big blockbuster films nothing to state
This result summaries a reason to why our audience have not watched short films. The reasons to why this is is because less people ever come across one and the other standout reason is that people would rather watch big blockbuster films that atract the world wide audience.
This result summaries a reason to why our audience have not watched short films. The reasons to why this is is because less people ever come across one and the other standout reason is that people would rather watch big blockbuster films that atract the world wide audience.
Where do you expect to see a short film?
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Whats your favourite Genre film?
horror comedy horrordrama comedy action drama horror comedy
Which idea do you most like the sound off? and why?
idea 1
Idea 1 this storyline sounds really good. it makes me want to see more
I don't feel that i would like to watch these films, as i don't like the endings
i don't feel that these story lines will make much sense if they are a short film as they include a lot of different characters, this will be hard to make details for each in a short time
they sound too similar but idea go for idea 2
i don't like the begging of idea 2 i think the object should be something else
I think idea one but i would like to see a twist, this would make it much better
idea 1 however i feel this idea could be better throughout.
Idea 1 this storyline sounds really good. it makes me want to see more
I don't feel that i would like to watch these films, as i don't like the endings
i don't feel that these story lines will make much sense if they are a short film as they include a lot of different characters, this will be hard to make details for each in a short time
they sound too similar but idea go for idea 2
i don't like the begging of idea 2 i think the object should be something else
I think idea one but i would like to see a twist, this would make it much better
idea 1 however i feel this idea could be better throughout.
What genre would you say our film is?
dramadramadrama drama horror sci-fiSci-fisci-fi horror
What aspects of our idea would you change?
nothing none endings all of it begining ending ending ending ending
What audience would you say fits our film best?
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From these results from our questionnaire we found out valuable information which helped us make a decision. This quantitative information was collected through social networking sites this was helpful for us compared to the video questionnaire as we found that more people from a wider audience answered our questionnaire. From these results we found a limited demographic to our audience this is good because we now know our ideas are aimed at a certain audience within the yorkshire region. This is a good thing however this happened because we did not have the ability to go to different regions in England.
from this questionnaire we found a female and male audience however mainly male audience where draw in by our ideas. we also found that the age of people that looked into our film were between 12-20. however from our audience feedback we did find that our ideas were maybe not as good as they possibly could be, so we decided to go back into our ideas here and re think them. We decided to come up with more ideas around our audiences response including aspects like a twist.
The next stage in our idea building process is to bring out all our ideas from the group and decide on a final film idea . we will create another film idea questionnaire to gather our audiences response to the new idea.
The next stage in our idea building process is to bring out all our ideas from the group and decide on a final film idea . we will create another film idea questionnaire to gather our audiences response to the new idea.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
film idea questionnaire
We sent our questionnaire out via social networking websites to capture a wider audience. We made a decision to create a questionnaire as we didn't find as many responses for the video questionnaire as we would have liked to this was due to the public not willing to take part in the video. This questionnaire will however come to an advantage as we are reaching a wider audience than just our college.
Film idea questionnaire
Here I created a video version of our questionnaire i did find this useful for myself as it gave me a better understanding to the equipment I will be using for this project for both the filming and the editing I did for this, unfortunately we did not seem to find as many response as we wished to find. This was due to the majority of people not willing to take part however I did find this really helpful as i improved my knowledge in final cut much better. From this we will send out an electronic version of this questionnaire via social network websites to improve the amount of answers we have from our video questionnaire. This will be better for us as we are reaching a wider audience as this qualatative data captured here is a limited demographic to the audeince we will be capturing as it was filmed in college, this is due to our group not having the ability to travel to different regions to ask different audiences from different places about our film.
Short film analysis-Tom
This is a short film in which I will analyse. It is about a strict school that teaches its pupils that the wrong answer is the correct one. One pupil then disagrees and he has to face the consequences. There is an almost 'faded' effect in the shot which distorts the picture to show the film has a dark theme to it.
The film uses a lot of close-up shots to show main points of focus. For example, we see a close-up shot of a blackboard early in the film. This shows the blackboard has some significance later on.
Also, we see a dolly-in zoom shot which zooms in on the speaker in which the headmaster is speaking through. This, again, showing that the speaker is relevant to the storyline.
Close-up shots are used throughout to show emotion on the characters faces.
Shot/reverse shot is also used in the film, cutting between the teacher and the pupil during their conversation.
Mise en scene consists of the props used, such as the blackboard, board rubber, chalk etc.
Costumes included the uniform of the pupils and the teacher who was wearing a suit, giving him a higher status than the pupils as they are all dressed the same and he isn't.
An extreme close-up font is seen near the end when the pupil who answers the question 'incorrectly', he is then shot by the higher pupils. Although they aren't technically holding guns as they are invisible. In the extreme close-up we see the blackboard with blood then being sprayed onto it. As if he'd been shot.
Low angle shots are used, looking up. This is filmed from the pupils perspective and shows the teacher (and higher pupils, towards the end) standing above them. This shows he has more power than the pupils. And therefore most fear him.
At the end, we then see another pupil refusing and writes the correct answer in his book. This is filmed using a medium/close-up shot.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Short Film ideas Brainstorm
Genre Brainstorm
Production logo rough design idea
Short Film Analysis-Matthew
This short film last for 8 minutes and is within the drama
The main characters in this short film are the 3 males and
the young male who cannot fit in with the group which has already formed. This
character throughout changes in the way he behaves due to the influence of the
gang as they give him a hard time he continues to try and fit in with the
others. The character facial expressions and actions reflect that he isn’t one
of the gang, throughout he seem to look scared and cautious about the actions
which the other males take. The other three males are presented to be stereotypical
view of a teenage male around the age of 18.
We start with a title at the start of the film “The national
film and television School Company”. Then into a medium shot of the bottom half
of the two males in an urban area to establish the setting. Then into a close
up of both males faces side oh here the camera focuses in to each male as they
speak the camera focuses in then out in tern. Here the camera focuses away from the male at
the front and then as he steps back of the shot the other male comes into the
shot, next we get a title screen “slippin” which covers the screen. Then we go
into a close up once again to show the facial expressions on the males face as
he tries to impress the others with the music on his phone, from this shot we
can see that he starts to look worried when one of the males says “bad taste”. A
medium shot is then introduced to show the two males dancing to the music. A cut
from this shot to a long shot to establish the setting in which they are in;
here another male comes into the shot. Once the other male reaches the two
males we are taken into a medium shot as he hands out the drinks we can see
worry upon the lonely characters face. This event links to the point of this
short film as he once again is being singled out and not fitting in with the
group. Here the dominant male stands up
to the lonely character in the medium shot this signifies some power over the
young male here the camera tilts to show this as he picks up his drink which
they through on the floor. Then a medium shot appears in front of the 3 people
to show the popular people joking here the young male tries to join in the
joking until the other males leave him out, here the popular males make fun of
the younger male as one hits him other the head and runs off. The medium shot
then returns to the back as we can see the young male standing as they leave
the shot. Here the camera cuts we see a bus driving by to represent the change
of location.
The next shot is a long shot which shows the two popular males standing side by side whilst the other male stand on his own in front, this shows how they leave him out, throughout he appears to the audience standing separately from the group. As more of the popular males arrive we as an audience notice that he becomes more left out and unpopular, until in a medium shot we see the alpha male arguing with one of the popular males however this doesn’t last for long as in a over the shoulder shot from the popular male we see him turn the blame and attention to the unpopular male. We end this scene with a long shot showing the popular male walking of the scene. Now to a medium shot, of the other popular males once again pointing the attention onto the unpopular male. Here a series of shot reverse shot of the popular and unpopular male as he drinks the remaining of his drink. The final two popular males here leave the shot as we have a focus medium shot looking at the unpopular male as they leave him once again. Here the shot turns into a still shot this shows the group walking down the street in a close up to a long shot with the unpopular male trailing behind them. We then are given a series of shot reverse shots and close ups to show the facial expressions of the 2 groups of males.
This continues until the
unpopular male runs away when they begin to fight. As the unpopular male runs
away around the corner the camera fades out of the shot to show that the scene
has ended. We then fade back into a
medium shot of the unpopular male on his own as he walks round the corner. Two new
characters are introduced here as one of them bumps into the unpopular male the
shot goes into a close up to show the anger upon his face. As the unpopular male lifts up the carrier
bag we remain in a close-up as the camera tilts this signifies the matter of
importance to the bag. We then cut back into the close-up of his face to show
the anger on his face the male begins to chase after the two males as if he is
blaming them for smashing the glass inside the bag however we as a viewer here
the unpopular male drop and smash the glass himself. This is the unpopular male
once again trying hard to fit in with the group which he finds hard to fit in
We then get a point of view shot of the unpopular male looking into the shop at the two males. Once the males come out of the shop one looks over at the unpopular male as he stares at him for a while he asks if something is wrong here the story unfolds as the unpopular male tries to fit in once again with the group. The final shot of this short film shows the unpopular male sitting on his self at the bus stop.
The next shot is a long shot which shows the two popular males standing side by side whilst the other male stand on his own in front, this shows how they leave him out, throughout he appears to the audience standing separately from the group. As more of the popular males arrive we as an audience notice that he becomes more left out and unpopular, until in a medium shot we see the alpha male arguing with one of the popular males however this doesn’t last for long as in a over the shoulder shot from the popular male we see him turn the blame and attention to the unpopular male. We end this scene with a long shot showing the popular male walking of the scene. Now to a medium shot, of the other popular males once again pointing the attention onto the unpopular male. Here a series of shot reverse shot of the popular and unpopular male as he drinks the remaining of his drink. The final two popular males here leave the shot as we have a focus medium shot looking at the unpopular male as they leave him once again. Here the shot turns into a still shot this shows the group walking down the street in a close up to a long shot with the unpopular male trailing behind them. We then are given a series of shot reverse shots and close ups to show the facial expressions of the 2 groups of males.
We then get a point of view shot of the unpopular male looking into the shop at the two males. Once the males come out of the shop one looks over at the unpopular male as he stares at him for a while he asks if something is wrong here the story unfolds as the unpopular male tries to fit in once again with the group. The final shot of this short film shows the unpopular male sitting on his self at the bus stop.
The director uses a verity of diegetic sounds in the short
film in the urban area scenes we hear a lot of cars, lorry’s, trains and other environmental
sounds and also non diegetic sounds such as the music when the short film first
starts and the scenes where the unpopular male tries to show his music to the
Throughout the short film the editing is rhythmic however in
parts where events unfold and the tension rises upon the actions made by the
unpopular male the pace of the edit is faster. We have a series of shot reverse
shot to show tension and action between the popular and unpopular male.
Mise en scene is used to show a difference in experience
between the popular males who are dressed similar and the unpopular male who is
dressed differently this is due to presenting popularity the director here
wants to show a clear difference so that the main factor to this short film
stands out clearly to the audience. This itself shows a divide and a
difference. The setting and location is similar throughout mainly in streets
and other urban areas.
We follow a linear narrative throughout the story, this
means that the short film follows a flow story and doesn’t go from past to
present. The genre to the film is drama/thriller as we follow the life of both
groups of popular and unpopular characters.
The credits to this short film are basic and plain they
continue with the same background sound as the final scene of the film. Here the
credits unfold showing the cast, director, editor, locations, sound credits
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
research into short film websites
Having researched this short film, I am now roughly aware of what a short film should include and how to compact a story with a lot of information into a restricted time. Also, by watching this, it has showed me what a short film can be about and how to make as much an impact with such little time. Next, as a group, we shall brainstorm some ideas on what genre our film will be and to also put together initial ideas for a plot.
Our research into short film sites
Here are links and embedded videos which i research into to give me inspiration into how a short film is scripted and filmed. This gave me inspiration into the quality out their already. This research helped me to view the current short films in the market. From this research our group wants to begin looking into possible genres this will include a brainstorm of ideas from both of us. Then we will look into possible story lines for our short film this will also be done in the same structure.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Group Introduction
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